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Library and Knowledge Services


The Library Services will help you to find the information and knowledge you need for your work and professional development.  We provide support to all NHS staff throughout the region, and are happy to deal with enquiries by phone, email or in person.

The John Paterson Library

Located in the Education Centre on the 2nd floor of  Dumfries and Galloway Royal Infirmary.  The book stock is focused primarily on medicine and surgery, but also with some material covering nursing, midwifery, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, dietetics and general topics.

Opening hours: The library is accessible 24/7 by using your proximity card.  It is staffed Monday- Friday 9.15am-5.15pm.

If you have any enquiries please contact 01387241519 or email [email protected]

Midpark House Library

Located in two rooms in Midpark House, Bankend Rd, Dumfries.  The book stock is focused on mental health, particularly psychiatry.

Opening hours: The library is accessible 24/7 by using a Midpark proximity card.  It is unstaffed, but please contact a member of library staff on 01387241519 or Ext 33519 if you require assistance.

The Crichton Library

Located in the Dumfries and Galloway College, Bankend Rd, Dumfries.  This includes a range of books on nursing and more general health topics.  NHS staff can register as external users.

Opening hours: Term-time Monday-Thursday 8.30am-7pm & Friday 8.30am-5pm. Vacation Monday-Friday 8.30am-5pm.  Phone 01387 734323 or email [email protected] for further information.

In addition, many departments within the hospital have their own small specialist collections.
Please contact them directly for possible access.


The library contains a wide range of books and reports.  Use our online catalogue to find what is available both locally in NHS Dumfries and Galloway and nationally in all NHS Scotland libraries.

If the book or article you require is not available locally it can be acquired from one of our partner libraries.

Quiet study areas and computers are available at all locations.

Library staff are very happy to undertake a literature search for you, or help you to conduct your own research.  Please contact us for more information.

Information Skills Training

This is available for individuals or groups of staff.  Please contact Audrey Marshall to arrange sessions aimed at developing search skills or investigating the full potential of the many online information resources that are now available.

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